How would you evaluate these issues within your organisation:

  1. The efficiency of your field teams.
  2. Implementation and enhancements at the shelf.
  3. Handling and utilising store-level data.

Chances are, one or all of these challenges are impacting your company's profitability and your daily tasks. Fortunately, there is a solution available that can tackle any or all of these problems, as evidenced by how brand manufacturers are currently implementing it.

The journey of a beverage brand

A rapidly growing beverage brand with multiple products sold in physical stores – including juices and probiotics – found itself grappling with these very challenges. It had an existing field team and retail execution strategy but struggled to obtain precise, timely data for use.

Moreover, it needed to consolidate store-level insights from various retailers into a single actionable database, in a manner that would genuinely aid its field teams in prioritising shelf corrections and facilitating productive discussions with retail buyers.

Does this resonate?

The steps taken for improvement

Struggling with limited visibility and methodologies for its field teams, the beverage brand reached out to SmartSpotter.

Our Retail Execution Management platform – combining crowdsourced store-level insights with field team management tools – presented an opportunity to better analyse, maintain, and act on data.

The immediate solution was to equip the beverage brand’s field team with the SmartSpotter app. This swiftly enabled the company to begin:

  • Monitoring field team activities.
  • Prioritising field team tasks based on the value of the opportunity.
  • Enhancing communication across different departments.
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In practical terms, the company now dispatches reps to stores with shelf issues that can be resolved quickly and yield the highest sales boost. It can do this because it has a unified source of truth for its store data, amalgamating information from multiple retailers, reps, and crowdsourced shoppers to make timely decisions.

The challenges of actionability (lacking a method to analyse store-level data), prioritisation (uncertainty about which stores had the right mix of issues to resolve and the opportunity to boost sales), and visibility (inability to track improvements and rep activity) were resolved.

What did this imply for its bottom line?

A content field team is undoubtedly a positive outcome, but it doesn't hold much significance for those at the headquarters. There must be a tangible financial incentive to persist.

For this beverage brand, the results were evident. The key victories that justified this investment were:

  • Prioritising and addressing out-of-stock inventory.
  • Incremental sales over the previous quarter.
  • Share of Shelf increase was placed in the first year after implementing SmartSpotter’s strategies.

What could this mean for your bottom line? Reach out to us to discover options, discuss your business challenges and identify the most suitable solution for your needs.

Our Retail Execution tools and crowdsourced mystery shoppers are ready and available to all brand manufacturers in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and many other countries.

Can you afford to delay?

Want to know more? We will contact you!

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