The COVID‐19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented crisis, not only regarding public health but also economical. If there is something we know, it is how important innovation and technology are to tackle these crises.
Crowdsourcing changes possibilities
As a crowdsource-based organization, we are highly resilient, adaptable, and fast to respond to the needs of our customers. Moreover, businesses growth plans have been affected as the capacity for response is significantly reduced during the lockdown.
How to effectively meet new health and safety guidelines? How to bring consumers and Field Teams where you need to? How to face new requirements in times of covid-19?
This past year we have been reinventing our business. Our crowdsourcing and AI models can help businesses in the covid-19 aftermath, always ensuring the safety of our spotters. In addition, our unique retail-specialized solution connects workforce from all over the country, gathering information from far and wide, with a fast set-up and global availability. That way, we can provide relief in times of crises and tricky conditions.
Supporting Your Business in Difficult Times
Spotters have been auditing their locals during the lockdown. In that way, Field Teams do not have to travel too far to reach the stores they usually visit. With simple tasks, our workforce has been able to help optimize in-store execution and gather data when going out for essentials. As a policy, spotters must follow safety guidelines, so we ensure their well-being always.
Our adaptability lets us keep doing checks even when government guidelines change. As a result, you get a high level of flexibility over how many spots you need, at what time of day and how often. With our on-demand workforce, switching in-store execution from one moment to the next has never been more effortless!
Scaling your business operations even in times of covid-19 is still possible with the power of SmartSpotter.